(hour 17-20 every day)  12.11/14.11/19.11.2020
(Hybrid:  live with online elements)

Workshop of the shadow theatre techniques adapted to the urban reality. Participants will learn how to create history, present it using simple props and light and shadow techniques. We will try to create together micro actions in Urban Spaces of Gori.

Project leader Barbara Prądzyńska (Poland)
participants age 14-18
number of participants limited – registration through email:


(Hybrid:  live with online elements) (hour 17-20 every day)   15,16,17,18/11.2020

Workshop of techniques of creation performative actions inspired by the life of the city, everyday life behaviors,  political and social relationships. Participants will try to observe the and pickup situations, stories, conversation and slogans from the city and retransform it in to performative action.
Workshop will be led by Zbigniew Olkiewicz (Poland), assistance Jarosław Siejkowski
Age of participants 18+ 
number of participants limited – registration through email:


Techniques of street theatre. (Live)  (hour 14-17 every day)   17-23/11/2020

Workshop will focus on body techniques useful for acting it the street theatre and  techniques of balance , basic acrobatics, stilts walking, acting on stilts.  
Workshop will be led by Tymon Siejkowski (Poland)
Age of participants 18+  
number of participants limited – registration through email:


Series of conservatories about Polish theatre in social spaces.  Four meeting with Artist, leaders, creators and practitioners and researchers are focusing on different aspects of theatre art developed in different social areas: city performances, village theatre, social awareness trough the art, and street theatre festivals.  All those aspects were characteristic element cross-points for theatre art and public. New political reality wide opened the opportunities to cross the border of traditional theatres and isolated cells of experimental theatre.  In the reality of social change theatre in Poland is searching of new role – rather active element of  dialogue and common action rather than just a tool of entertainment.

Meetings on zoom available free via wensite 

19.11.2020 H 18.30-20 Street theatre festivals in Poland Social and organizational context of cultural phenomena of Democracy – presentation and discussion.
24. 11. 2020 H 17.30-19.00 CITY/ACTION Experience of Dialogue – Akademia Ruchu (Zbigniew Olkiewicz)
25.11.2020 H 17.30-19.00 Theater on Peripheries Artistic action on social cultural and ecological Borderlands. Dr Magdalena Hasiuk)
26.11.2020 H 17.30-19.00 Art and Democracy . Socio-artistic practices as an educational tool: dr Agata Siwiak

Online streaming available free on:

21.11.2020 HOUSE/BORDER – impressions   H 19.00 Mereti  (on place installation)
Performance by The Art Junction Foundation with Polish and Georgian artists.
The scenario based on meetings with people living in the areas directly affected by the conflict in South Ossetia. Sławomir Mrożek’s drama “House on the Border” was an inspiration for several-months work and talks with the inhabitants of the areas near the present border. Nowadys, in the age of the pandemic, we will show a new version of the show HOUSE/BORDER.

22.11.2020 HOUSE/BORDER- impressions   H 18.00 Gori (Hybrid. On place installation + live-streaming)
Performance by The Art Junction Foundation with Polish and Georgian artists.
The scenario based on meetings with people living in the areas directly affected by the conflict in South Ossetia. Sławomir Mrożek’s drama “House on the Border” was an inspiration for several-months work and talks with the inhabitants of the areas near the present border. Nowadys, in the age of the pandemic, we will show a new version of the show HOUSE/BORDER.

22.11.2020  Mrozek Experience: H.20.00  ( live-streaming)
Presentation by Actors of Eristavi Theatre of dialogs and situations inspired by Slawomir Mrożek’s theatre pieces. Performance based on “At Sea” of Mrozek (online + live chat with Actors after the performance)

Online presentations of the performance: “At Sea” by Slawomir Mrożek

Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Public Diplomacy 2024