Theatre in the periphery.
Artistic activities on the social, cultural and ecological intersections
The subject of the speech will be the presentation of the artistic activities – primarily theatrical and performative activities carried out for over 30 years by the Węgajty Theatre in rural areas on Polish cultural borderlands (Beskid Niski, Suwalszczyzna), in closed communities (in nursing homes, hospitals – in psychiatric wards, in refugee centres, prisons, drug addiction centres, shelters for people experiencing homelessness) and in natural ecosystems (meadow, forest). The chosen perspective will make it possible to present theatrical tools effective in social activities and to define the role of theatre working on the periphery, in circumstances not obvious for this art, in situations of co-creating culture outside the mainstream.
Magdalena Hasiuk, Ph.D. – works at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the scientific team “Węgajty Theatre – 35 years of anthropological theatre and socio-cultural research” implemented under the National Science Centre grant (application no. 2017/26/E/HS2/00357). In 2013-16, a lecturer at the Theatre Academy Aleksander Zelwerowicz in Warsaw. Author of the books: „Okrutnie dziwna strona” świata. Wokół teatru więziennego (2015) and Teatr Słońca. Od rewolucji na kozłach do odysei uchodźców (2016). Co-editor of: Kręgi i płomienie. Szkice o teatrze i socjologii (2017) and Gangliony pękają mi od niewyrażalnych myśli… (2019).
Meeting will be on zoom platform. Registration and information by email :
25th November 2020
Georgia: 5,30 p.m (GMT+4/Georgia time)
Poland:14.30 p.m (CET/Warsaw time)