Young people in Gori, Georgia would feel and see the world from another point of view – well above the heads of the others.

Workshop led by Tymon Siejkowski was focus on body techniques useful for acting it the street theatre and techniques of balance, basic acrobatics, stilts walking, acting on stilts. The first stage consisted of indoor preparatory exercises, but during the following days of training, stilt walkers could try their steps at the space of the city, which was very surprising for participant and for another people as well. The workshop ended with a stilt parade with a promotional campaign of the Art without Border festival.

 Tymon Siejkowski was leading various stilts workshops in Turkey, Romania and Poland.


 წამყვანი პარტნიორი: Smart Future


The workshops were conducted in a hybrid form – in Poland and Georgia, and took place in the current pandemic regime.


დაფინანსებულია კულტურის და ეროვნული მემკვიდრეობის დაცვის სამინისტროს მერ, ადამ მიცკევიჩის ინსტიტუტის სუბსიდირებით როგორც ნაწილი "სახელოვნებო ხიდები" პროგრამა ინდეფენდენთ 2017-2022 ფარგლებში.