Young people from Gori in Georgia participated in a series of workshops of shadow theater techniques and their use in urban artistic activities. Barbara Prądzyńska with the support of Jarosław Siejkowski (Fundacja Art Junction) conveyed to the participants the basic principles of creating a shadow theater, animating objects, expressing themselves through the body, as well as creating simple stories using light and shadow techniques for animation activities.

 Particpiants has explored the potential of shadow theater and the use of light and shadow in interactive performances. During the seminar they learned the basic principles of creating a shadow theater, reviving objects, expressing your body, as well as creating simple stories using animated light and shadow techniques for animated activities. Participants prepared together a micro-action which was performed in the urban spaces of Gori.

The workshops were conducted in a hybrid form – in Poland and Georgia, and took place in the current pandemic regime.


დაფინანსებულია კულტურის და ეროვნული მემკვიდრეობის დაცვის სამინისტროს მერ, ადამ მიცკევიჩის ინსტიტუტის სუბსიდირებით როგორც ნაწილი "სახელოვნებო ხიდები" პროგრამა ინდეფენდენთ 2017-2022 ფარგლებში.